January 31, 2011


I think its time for another bite, don't you?
Train of thought for the day: Quebec.
It hit minus 30 degrees celsius last week, and I hope I don't need to tell you that that is utterly ridiculous. I tried the throw-boiling-water-in-the-air-and-see-if-it-freezes. . . It did. Why did I ever leave balmy Thailand again?

Did you know that in Quebec the drinking age is 18, meaning McGill, the largest English uni in the province is also on Playboy magazines Top 10 Party School List? Not a nice claim to fame, but an interesting one.

What do you think about the drinking age? At the age of 18 you're allowed to drive, vote, have sex, get married, and go to war, but not drink. In the rest of Canada it's 19, but in the States it's 21. And as far as I know, there is no drinking age in China.

Photo Courtesy of HC Photography
Question for the curious: Who on earth though, way back in time that it was a good idea to try rotten grape juice? I mean, if they hadn't, we wouldn't have wine, but what made them do it? And in a similar vein, who thought it would be a good idea to snort anything? Imagine the scence: " Hey guys, lets see what we can stuff up our noses!" *grabs banana*

Nats ^^

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